Hydration Gummies

Hydration Gummies

So I don’t know about you, but I have the biggest challenge staying hydrated.  I am the girl that drinks a gallon of water a day and is still chronically dehydrated.  HOW?!?!?  I actually have no idea except this - water is not always the answer.

As I have shifted what I use to hydrate, I have seen a massive shift in the hydration in my body and the way my body works. 

I am drinking more coconut water.  More juices.  More raw milk. 

I have added more collagen to my diet.  More gelatin.  More whole fruits. 

And it has made a difference. 

I’ve always made gummies in our home.  My kids have gotten their immunity from gummies since the time they could chew.  But now it’s my turn - and these have changed it all. 

Enter - the hydration gummies. 

Now, the amount of gelatin you use is totally up to you and how firm you like your gummies. I like ours firm, just so you know. 

So the back story of these is I started with a dreamsicle gummy.  One layer of milk and one layer of orange juice (recipe coming soon) and they were SO good.  Some honey for sweetness they were delightful. 

Then I realized I was feeling better as I was eating them.  So…I took it a step further. 

These gummies are fresh orange juice (use what you can get your hands on!) and coconut water for maximum hydration and yumminess.  I have made these with green juice instead of the orange juice and they are equally as good. 

The process is simple.  You make one layer, then once it is set you make the next.  Then you eat until you choose to stop.  My stopping point varies day to day. 


I use a 9x12 brownie-type pan for these.  You can buy cute molds, too.  I used to use those for the kids.  Then I realized I like my time and cutting them out of the pan works still gets them in our bellies.  You do you. 

  1. Bloom the gelatin in half of the orange juice for 5-10 minutes while the other half of juice heats slowly over low-medium heat.  You are not looking for a boil, just warmth. 
  2. Add the honey to the orange juice or the salt to the coconut water. 
  3. Once the orange juice is warm, just before the boil, remove from heat.  Add the bloomed gelatin and whisk together to incorporate. 
  4. Pour the gelatin/juice mixture into the pan.  I like to pour through a strainer to catch any chunks of gelatin. 
  5. Set the pan in the fridge for a couple of hours until it is set and firm. 
  6. Repeat the process with the coconut water for the layered effect.  (If you don’t care about the layers, simply mix the juice and water together and make it in one set of steps!)
  7. Sprinkle salt on the top of the gummies before cutting.  Flake salt looks prettier than regular salt. 
  8. Once firm, cut into the size cube you desire and store in a container in the fridge. 

I genuinely have no idea how long these will stay good and fresh in the fridge because they are normally gone in 3-4 days in my home. 

Experiment with different flavors.  I love doing a pomegranate/elderberry gummy in the fall and winter.  Springtime and summer I do a lot of citrus.  The addition of coconut water makes them just so pretty.  I’m obsessed. 


layer 1

2 cups orange juice

5T gelatin

2-3T honey (your taste preference)

layer 2

2 cups coconut water

5T gelatin

1/2t salt

Flake salt for sprinkling

Enjoy and PLEASE let me know how you like these and also what flavors you are going to try! 




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